Hello and welcome to my personal web page! I'm Rafael García and I was born in Málaga on October 1985.
You may be wondering what Afaíto means. Actually it's a kind of nickname coming from the Spanish diminutive of my name: Rafaelito becomes Afaíto.

I have always liked computers and I made my first static web page in 1999. Later, when I was almost 16, I built the webpage of my secondary school classroom and I decided I would study computer science.
After my 3-years studies, my final thesis was the development of a real dynamic webpage for the library of the University of Málaga. And that helped me out to get a job as a web developer in a marketing company in Madrid, although working most time from Málaga.
At the same time, I continued studying to complete the 5-years studies. I went to Sweden to study there a part of my degree and I combined that with my job as well. My final thesis was also related to the web but working with some new technologies for me.
Once I finished my studies, I left my job so I could learn and experience new working methodologies and technologies as part as an investigation group in the University of Málaga, also related with web development.
Then, I joined the RnD department of Tedial where I participated in several projects across the two development groups I were involved: a web user interface group working with Java and a .NET group more focused on desktop applications using web services.
After 3 years working for Tedial, I realized it was the moment for a new challenge and decided to move to the UK so I could live new experiences and grow both professionally and personally.
I ended up in Cardiff, Wales, to work in the public sector at Companies House using mainly Java technologies where I found exactly what I was looking for. I am currently open to new challenges and opportunites.